Preliminary screen play.
Episode Suggestion for SG- Atlantis
Working name: An Ancient Agreement is honored.
Camera flies through a big odd looking gate in space, closing in to a jumper that is flying in space near a planet. The window starts to show. Sheppard and Ronan can be seen in the cockpit area.
Sheppard and Ronon are in a jumper, together with two others, investigating a seemingly derelict gate.
Ronon to John, this seems so boring, give me some action than just flying around for hours. It is all good and all, but you know…
[small scene omitted]-> Shows the jumper from the rear moving closer towards the gate with the planet on the left and the gate slightly of centre towards the upper right. Between the planet and jumper there is a slight shimmering light reflecting off of a surface and then it disappears again in a shrouded cloak.
John Sheppard: Yeah-yeah, well not long to go, hey, you can already see the gate now, so not long to go.
As they are approaching the gate, Ronon notices a “black” void/ field when he glanced over towards the planet, that the gate was circling. In the background, two other people make up John Sheppards team. One is Zelenka’s assistant, (or a new scientist).
As John Sheppard contacted Atlantis and started talking with McKay, McKay asked for a video feed. Then he (McKay) said:
”Yeah, um... You’re right, there seems to be a void there! Can you zoom in to it more? There seems to be some type of shape or something! It looks like it is absorbing or scattering the light, so it can not be seen. What are the sensors showing? Are there any readout at all?”
John Sheppard: “One moment, let me adjust the camera for you to enjoy the vastness of this place McKay, is there anything else you may want to look at too?”
Ronon: “Hey, what is that over there, do you see it?” –a small light (dot) starts to enlarge and pulse.
McKay: “What, what is happening there, don’t keep me in the dark!”
[camera reference omitted]-> Camera shows some beings, similar in appearance to the Asgards, in a control room, talking between themselves. They nodded and seemed in agreement. The camera started to zoom out and showed just a glimpse of a ship between the size of a Ori Mothership and a
Wraith Hive Ship.
Then a bluish energy beam with some white and green pulsating particles in it, and a spiraling red cord around the outside of that blue beam, shoots and hits the jumper at the same time as the ships shields came online automatically. Right then, the HUD display lights up, and Ronon faints and becomes unconscious, the same with the other people. Only John seems unaffected.
Enter credits here.
Gate Console operator: Ma’am (or Sir, depending on who is the Commander)! Could you come here urgently! We are getting an unauthorized gate activation. Then the gate dialing stops. Then after a moment again, the gate is being dialed to. She ask’s if there is any ID. He reply’s no. Ma’am, there is something else too, we do not have this gate in our database! And at that moment, the gate deactivates.
Commander: What do you mean it is not in the database?! I thought we went through all the known gates and the entries associated with them.
At that time, McKay walks in view, and says that there is something weird. He was in the room where the replicator table is located, working on some other equipment close to the table, when all of a sudden it came alive, as Rodney looked towards the table, it seemed to come alive and create a shape that looked like a solar system with something rotating around two planets. One looked like a gate, the other object looked also like a gate but different. Both in orbit, one around the 2nd planet, that was a small tiny planet, that could have been a moon, and the other around the 9th planet, the size of a large "half giant". half solid, half gaseous. It had some color to it, half reddish and green, and the other half a grayish / bluish color that is the gaseous part. Then it disappeared, like the thing was replicating an image that had a bad signal. It caught him by surprise, and then went rushing to the main control room, where the gate is located.
Commander: How can that be, the gate was up, facing towards console operator, the shield was on, RIGHT?!
Gate Console operator: Umm, yes Ma’am, it is, I mean was.
Commander: Faces towards McKay: Well…
McKay: (gets defensive) Hey, don’t look at me, I didn’t do anything, I just happened to be in the room looking at something else, on the other side of the room might I add. It’s not my fault if things turn on when I am close by.
Gate Console operator or Zelenka that is arriving at that moment: It seems gentlemen that something arrived… gets cut off by McKay.
Mckay: What do you mean, the gates shield was up.
Zelenka:Ah but you see, something did come through. Here, (holding his laptop), take a look. It seem to have been a message or a communication of some sort.
McKay: You mean to tell us that someone tried to connect with the Atlantis gate, only to send a brief message to us? Are you out of your mind!? They could have said something.
Commander: Hey guys, guys, slow down; I am more interested in WHO knows our gate’s co-ordinates!
McKay: Well, well…there can be many explanations actually…
Zelenka: Commander, There is another gate kind of close by… if we use the jumper that we have with the hyperspace drive in it. It should take only a couple of hours… gets cut by John…
John Sheppard: what is a couple of hours, hey, what is everyone doing here, having a party and no one invites me?
McKay: Well… here is what happened… McKay starts to describe…
Commander: Gentlemen, to the conference room, NOW!
Scene change: Conference room.
Commander: Well, have you been able to figure it out what it was?
After some mumbling between Zelenka and McKay.
Commander: MEN! Will you two stop talking and tell us what just happened!
Both McKay and Zelenka start to speak at the same time: We were able to find a sequence…
Commander: One at a Time!
McKay: Well, as we, I, were saying, we were able to find a sequence similar to what we received in the Atlantean database, well, the Atlanteans were trying to analyze this too. We only have fragmented references. What we have gathered, the Atlanteans were not the only advanced civilization here.
Zelenka: It seems that the replicators were not originally their idea. Well, they advanced it to suit their needs…
McKay (interrupts): Yeah, and we know what happened with them… Anyway, (he goes on to describe what happened on the replicator table). I tried to locate what created it. I was able to reproduce it, I must say that I surprised myself on how I was able to activate what was on there. I was able to locate some of the transmission in the computers memory buffer.
Commander: What, you don’t know who or what it is we are dealing with Rodney! Did you turn it off?!
McKay: Well, um, it seemed harmless… anyway, yes I did a matter of fact, and… there is another thing.
John Sheppard: Rodney, what did you do…
McKay: Nothing, honestly, I was just in the room, minding my own business, well kinda, I was using the computer to add more power to my own, for some calculations I was doing, just to speed things up. Then the table came alive. Anyway, everyone, come and have a look.
Zelenka: Rodney, will you tell them or me?
Ronon: tell us what?
John Sheppard: Yeah, tell us what Rodney? (in his usual sarcastic intonation)
Scene change:
Walking towards the replicator room.
McKay: Well, how can I put this…
Ronon to John Sheppard: Just give me the signal and I will make him talk.
McKay: I heard that! The programming is NOT in the Atlantean language, neither is the code anything similar to what we have seen from anyone, well not exactly, there are a couple of things, the building blocks of the replicators are in there! But you should see this guys, it is totally unreal! We never knew that this could be done.
Zelenka: What he is trying to say is, is that the code has some similarities with the replicator code, but it is much more advanced or on a different level to our understanding.
Commander: What I am concerned with, is if we have a security breach! Is it something that the Wraith could do?
McKay: I doubt it. The code is in levels. One is the “core” for how the nanites should interact, then, there is the second layer, that describes the shapes, then a third, of which adds the textures, or colors if you wish. There are something like 12 layers, you can call them sub-routines if you wish.
John Sheppard: Are you sure it is ok to turn it back on?
Zelenka: Yes, we had a look at the code, and as far as we can tell, it is safe.
John Sheppard: Turn it on already.
It shows the solar system for about 3 seconds, then stops.
McKay: Ok, now have a look at this. He gets an object, like a pen, and he pokes one of the planets. All of the things collapse and re-assemble to create the planet that Rodney touched, around 15-20cm large, floating just about 2cm (an inch?) from the table and rotating. He touches it again, it becomes the solar system, everyone is quiet, then touches planet number two, that is a pale yellow/ orange solid planet. The planet comes up with the gate orbiting around.
Zelenka: We looked this up, and we only found a sentence. Lush planet. Old ruins of a technologically advanced civilization found. There was something about a civilization that also used gates, but they were not compatible with theirs, they were unable to fully understand how they worked.
McKay: Yes, thank you Zelenka. Then there were some half entries about other dimensions and direct travel to places that did not require a gate at the other end, but they could not come back once they arrived. That is what they couldn’t figure out, how they returned. Then that they could dial other galaxies, without needing the same power requirements as their gates.
Zelenka: Yes, but there is a major difference. This planet now seems barren.
Commander: I see a mission coming up, who wants to go?
The scene continues from where left from before the credits.
Communications temporarily failed.
John Sheppard: Rodney, Rodney, are you there?
McKay: John? John, is everything ok.
John Sheppard: Yes, um, no! Something is not right. (Shows John Sheppard looking around). Everyone is out! They seem to be unconscious, but they are alive. (Then he start to pat him self all over). I don’t feel anything wrong.
Doctor arrives: Are they ok, are they breathing.
John Sheppard: Yes. They seem to have been knocked out.
Commander: But you are not affected? Are you sure you are ok?
John Sheppard: YES! Oh, hang on, wait! There is something on my screen!
McKay: Well it is not coming to this side. What does it say?
John Sheppard: Wait, my knowledge of the ancient language isn’t up to scratch as your is, is it!? It says something, umm… Hello Atlantean, or of Atlantean decent. We were sorry, but our pact was only with your kind. We are glad that you have returned.
Zelenka: They must have picked up on your gene.
McKay: Yeah, boost up his ego. Now he is going to be going on about how everything just comes naturally to him. Hey, can you transmit it back here?
John Sheppard: Sorry Rodney, it seems to have, wait, (insert name of scientist) laptop, it has a webcam, I can use that, can’t I?
McKay: Yes, yes, just connect it to the console; there should be a socket for the cable that is connected on his laptop. I asked him to connect it to the gates computer, or at least hoping.
John Sheppard: Ok, give me a minute… How is that?
Commander: Yes, that is great.
McKay: Now face it towards your HUD display, so we can read it too.
John Sheppard: Why, don’t you trust my translation?
McKay: Yes, but maybe you missed something…
Some of the ancient text is shown.
The jumper jolts.
McKay: What’s happening John?
John Sheppard: Well remember that black void thing? It’s not black anymore!
Commander: Can you turn the camera so we could see?
Shows an extremely large ship, about 5 times the size of a hive ship.
Zelenka: Commander, that ship, is, the, Minoanc(k)anteum (refernce to the Minoan civilization). It is an experimental colony and super destroyer class ship. Capable of hyper jumps. It was expected to enter service, but that is all that are in the records.
McKay: Give me that…. Mumbles a few words. Why didn’t anyone tell me about this before?
Zelenka: You never asked Rodney. Anyway, we found this in a part of the city. It was in a small room that we have dubbed the “science library room”/
McKay: And why didn’t anyone tell me about this.
Zelenka: Well… you were always too occupied!
McKay: Well of course I am. I have work to do you know!
John Sheppard: Hey guys, cut it out! I am being pulled in towards the ship! It seems some kind of tractor beam.
John Sheppard: Hey guys, my display just changed. It is now in our language!
Commander: Well what does it say?
John Sheppard: (he reads the message) Your ship is ready, and has been for some time. Why didn’t you come to receive delivery of ship? We waited for thousands of years, answer we did not get to requests of ours.
At this stage, the message also jumps to the laptop and re-transmits to Atlantis.
Commander: Rodney, what is happening?
McKay: I don’t know! Give me a minute.
Then a hologram of an alien entity, similar in appearance to the Asgards appears.
Telon: For you we wait we have. Sorry we are for language of yours. We adapting are.
John Sheppard: So you mean to tell us, that you have had it ready?
Telon: Yes, but communicate with you could not. Atlantis was underwater. No one alive.
McKay: He must be referring to when…
John Sheppard: I know Rodney.
Telon: Our language translator has now been mostly updated. You, of Atlantean descent, is now the owner of this ship. Our debt to your kind is now over. Our friendship should remain. We thank your ancestors for assisting us in our battle to save our kind. We are sorry we were late to deliver this. It should help you with your fight against the Wraith and the one you call Michael.
John Sheppard: You know about all this? What do you mean?
Telon: In the ship, you will find an antidote for the Hotham drug. We just hope that it will serve well against our more deadlier common enemy. Please, please get ready, and assist us with our old foe. Our sensors are showing that you also eliminated nearly all of the replicators.
John Sheppard: Well, yeah, we left some floating in space/
Telon: No. We do not mean them.
Commander: Rodney, Zelenka, are you seeing this, are you recording this?
Telon (Turns and faces to the laptop): Your communication storage computers should be recording this feed Commander. We will talk to your kind when we are ready. (Turns to col. John Sheppard) What is an outcast running Atlantis? There are only a couple of you with Altantean descent now in Atlantis! Do what you wish with the ship. We are putting the last touches to it, so it will be imprinted with your signature. YOU and ONLY YOU will be the commander of this ship col. John Sheppard.
We are sorry we could not help you with the replicators when they attacked you with the satellite. Our probe relayed the information, somewhat delayed. Our forces may be depleted here, in this galaxy, but we do take a long time to ‘recover’ our numbers. We will be in contact again colonel Sheppard.
Sheppard: Wait.
Telon: Yes?
Sheppard: How do we get in contact with you? What is your name? Who are you people? Hey, how will I even enter the ship?
Telon: You can call me Telon. We are the Ancestors to the civilization, that you call the Minoans. Look in your ancient Egyptian text, you will find us as your trading partners in your Galaxy, when we were there. More information you will find in your jumpers databanks, that we have downloaded to it, and some assistance in your cargo hold of the jumper, as a token of our continued friendship. We believe you call them “Z.P.M.’s”, we hope you make good use of them. You can call us the Asgnoans.
You are Already in your ship, docked! Just walk outside your jumper and think of the ships command chair, and you will be there.
Sheppard: Wait, I see space around me!
Telon: Look again. We will meet again.
A combo wormhole / hyperspace window opened about 20-30 meters behind the Asgnoans gate.
The gate was similar to the Ancients gate, only that it was thicker, about one and a half times larger and at least this space version, also had 7 large pointed coils that were about two and a half meters in length and half a meter wide at their base. They were symmetrically located around the gate. There were electrical blue lightning bolts, similar in appearance to the tesla ladder that started from the root of the top coil and started to arc to the first left one. It started from the base, and went to the tip a couple of times. Once that arc had stabilized, it arced to the right one. Then when that stabilized too, they fanned out at the same time from each side to their adjoining ones until the whole gate was encircled in the field. Then from each coils tip projected to a point about 20-30 meters away from the gate and then the gate itself operated similar to the ancients ones creating a wormhole to meet up with the hyperspace window and they both merged.
At the front side of the gate, a ship about the size of a Daedalus was waiting for something. Then, a ring started to come to life. The ring was in the centre of the gates in radius and outer. It started to rotate anti-clockwise, and shot a beem towards the alien ship on the outside without hitting it. It then started to rotate the beam, in a circular fashion, creating a circle in space around the ship. Then another beam shot, the effect was like creating an open cone. The base originating at the gate, and the large side circulating around the ship. Then another pair shot out. This time, these started to rotate clockwise. The first pair, were pale yellow, and the second a lively forest green. At this stage the ship was engulfed about midway, and then it moved forward and disappeared through the gate, even though normally it would not fit else wise.
McKay: John, JOHN? Are you there? Is their gate still there? Where are you, I can’t see you.
Sheppard: (in a voice that sounds very distant). I am here Rodney. Commander, you won’t believe this… I am in the spaceship. It is huge! I will be there soon. It TALKS to me! I think the Daidalus will look like a patrol ship! It says that it can separate in to two pieces, one the colony ship, and the other the super destroyer, oh sorry, it corrected me and says it would be classed as a dreadnought class, or super dreadnought carrier if we had one.
At that moment, Ronon and the rest started to come through.
Ronon: Hey, what happened? Where are we?
McKay: You said “carrier”?
Sheppard: Yes Rodney. There are fighters, transporters and, and GATES? Wait a moment Rodney.
McKay: How many? What? Gates?! What gates? Ah the possibilities. Um yes-yes.
Sheppard: Yes Rodney, now if you will be quiet for a moment, I will figure it all out. I am going to be there soon, and you can come aboard. It says I should be there in 20 minutes once we, um I go to Hyperspace! [omitted scene descriptions of interior of ship and command / navigation area]
A hologram of Telon starts to talk to Sheppard.
Telon: We can finally move on to our new home, in the Hoag's Object Galaxy. This ship is composed of two parts. The colony module, Goddess of Myrtos and the Military “Sphinx of Mallia” class ship.
We had recently changed the command requirements of these two ships. From the command chair in the Sphinx, you can authorise an other person, of non-Atlantean decent, to be able to command it. He will not be able to pass it on to anyone else, you on the other hand can. The same is with the colony ship. Although, if you do transfer command to a person with the Atlantean gene, they would be able to transfer it to some one else if needed. Just remember, that these ships will ALWAYS be yours, no matter who is commanding them, they will always obey your orders, and have the extra functionalities available to you only.
Sheppard: I don’t understand, what extra functionalities.
Telon: Here, let me demonstrate.
A map of the galaxy appears showing where they are are, and where the rest of the worlds are located.
Sheppard, ok, so which is Atlantis?
Then, all of a sudden, a small spec in this large sphere pulsated. As soon as Sheppard poked his finger at it, it enlarged and showed the planet with Atlantis’s location marked. He then pokes at that, and then that enlarged too.
Sheppard: I can get use to this!
Telon: To navigate more easily, and to change destinations, all you have to do is think of the name, and that planet will enlarge. Once you touch it, and transmit your thought to the ship “take me here” it will take you to that planet. The same goes when you are in a battle.
Sheppard: What do you mean, the same?
Telon: Here, let me bring up a simulation. I believe you are familiar with the Wraith ships. You will need to practise too. It shows you your tactical situation, together with your shield levels, their shield levels, engines, hyperspace drives and you can add more details if you so need.
Say you are in the configuration that we are in now, with the colony ship. You can command it remotely. You can designate it targets, as you would with this ship. The tips of the colony ships legs, are also weapons. On two of the legs, are Ion – Stun masers. The rest are, shall we say of destructive force. I will explain at a later time. You dreadnought, on its own, is most capable of accepting damage. Its shields are extremely strong. It has only for weapons, since they use a lot of energy, and need time to energise again. One shot is enough to cripple a Wraith Cruiser, a second shot will destroy it.
We use to prefer to capture ships and educate the peoples of this galaxy, the Lanteians were of similar opinion. So most of our designs were for capturing ships, not destroying them.
Sheppard: So how did you lose the war against the Wraith? You had the technology.
Telon: We were pacifists, turned to weapons construction when the Wraith started to attack our outposts. Our home planets population was decimated. We got to this part of the Pegasus galaxy and started to build, but it was to late for us. Our resources were very low. We had only got to build one large military ship. We originally had some success, until it was ambushed. Not even we expected that the Wraith would muster a force of 20 Hive ships and 35 Cruisers. We had not time to execute a jump.
After that last battle, we agreed to build a couple of ships together with the Lanteians. This ship and colony ship was meant to be able to transport populations of planets to other planets before they got attacked or to other suitable galaxies. Unfortunetely, we had to flee, since we could not defend ourselfs and only a core group of us was left behind to fulfil our promise.
Sheppard: I have a question. What was that cone thing that appeared at your gate before your ship left.
Telon: I would believe that you have seen how the Wraiths technology works? When they capture people?
Sheppard: Yes…
Telon: It works on a similar principle. A ship normally would not fit to go through a gate, unless the gate was large enough. That is what it was. I believe that McKoy, McKey..
Sheppard: McKay?
Telon: Yes, and Zilinka would be more interested to learn how those things works.
Sheppard: Yes, those two… they would.
Telon: I have to go, we are coming out of Hyperspace. If you need me again, just ask.
Scene change: On the ship, walking in the corridors. There is Ronon, McKay, Zelenka, the commander and Sheppard.
Sheppard: Yes Rodney, we are going to the ships soon. Now everyone, hold hands and lets make a circle shall we?
McKay: Why? We are not at school are we?
Zelenka: Just do it Rodney. Enough already.
Sheppard: Shall we now?
They all holded hands in a circle. They disappeared and re-appeared in a huge area that seems to be a hanger bay and cargo hold.
McKay: How did you do that?
Sheppard: That is what I am trying to tell you! I do not know! I just “get there”! It talks to me Rodney.
McKay: That is amazing! Let me have a look around. Hey, where can I connect my laptop?
Sheppard: Just right here Rodney.
John shows a structural support column, and point to a blank surface. In a moment, a port materializes.
McKay: I wish you would stop showing off!
Commander: Zelenka, how is the data reading going on the record that Telon left in the jumpers computer?
Zelenka: It is going well, if we had a few years to read everything. There is just so much in there. There is history, contacts of civilizations that existed in the Pegasus galaxy. It seems that they were on the same level as the ancients, in some things more advanced, in others a little not so. Their major issue was that they were very few. They had limited resources and population. They had decided not to ascend as the Atlanteans, but instead to go to a higher state, but still be able to revert to their physical plane. So somewhere between ascension and our level. They did not want to abide with the rules that existed with ascension.
McKay: Yes, and there was something that they have or had an outpost in the Hoag's Object Galaxy,
Sheppard: What object galaxy?
McKay: Hoag’s. It is actually a very odd galaxy, that it is a ring galaxy.
Sheppard: So do you think that one of these gates will be able to take us to Earth or to that object galaxy?
Zelenka: quiet possibly, yes! They have left us instructions on how to use them and how they operate but they did not leave the technical details. Oh yes, and their calling card
Commander: Well then, we will have to learn more about them. So you mean they left us their gate address?
McKay: Yes, and no. It will work with their gate only. I think that is why they left the ZPM’s, they are in Hoag’s Object Galaxy.
Camera zooms out showing just how huge the hanger is.
End of episode.
Written by Aries1470 aka Boris Nektarios Jevic
For a return episode – linking to this.
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