March 20, 2008

Trains and trains... trainspotting? Hmm...

Hi'ya everyone.

As you can see, I have started with my train spotting passing interest that I have that comes and goes.

This particular train, is a Siemens that belongs to Connex now.

Many years ago, we had a public transport system for the trains. Then it was privatized. There were two companies. Bayside & Hillside. Well, after they changed their names to M>Train & Connex. Well to cut a long story short, M>Train withdrew and Connex was awarded the remaining lines that M>Train had. This model of trains was ordered by hillside/ M>Train. As you can see, not even here in Melbourne can we be safe from "Tagging" aka bad taste graphiti.

This is the station of Chelsea with a Comeg refurbished train rolling in to Platform 1 - City bound. This is the typical style for some of the smaller stations on this line.

If anyone is from here, or visits Melbourne, will notice that most train lines (routes) have their own style. Or so I have noticed.

Now as I live close to the beach, we do need to remember that everyone needs to exercise, so no matter where ever you are, take some time out to do some walking, your body needs it. If you can of course, health permitting.

Ok, that is all for now. You may have noticed that the pictures were taken in early September 2007. It was early Spring if I remember my seasons correctly. We are exactly oppisate with the, the, the northern Hemisphere. Then again, if we go back to the ancient times, i.e. ancient Egypt, then we are in the Northern hemisphere and the rest are in the south :-) I will see when I have some spare time to buy a post card that actually shows the world as it should be, the lands of "down under" on the top...

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