July 04, 2008

Changes and updates to the blog.

Hello to everyone.

Well well, what have we got. This is the 1st message in the "Changes and Updates" for the blog.

What I have changed is the comment moderation and for anyone being able to post a comment, even if they do not have a blogger or associated ID for posting.

You would have also noticed, that a couple of days ago, I added some Google ads on the site. I have made them to not be intrusive on the blogs themselves.

I will be creating a new section also, Computer related. It will mostly be for the "underdogs" for the GPU's and the Cpu segments. It will mostly be overviews, since I am not a reviewer. I will try to be finding info on some odd products in this field.

I hope you all enjoy the new layout and my fanning out to different things. My major focus's will be on my hobby - Electronics, and also some computer related updates.

The Blogger - Boris

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